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Message from the Moderator

photo of the WSM moderator, Jason GlaasgowI am delighted to be the new moderator of the Walnut Street Minyan. The Minyan has been a central part of our family’s life ever since Dena and I joined in 1994, when the first of our four children was a newborn. Almost three decades later, as I look back on the countless b’nei mitzvah and, later, weddings of Minyan kids we have been privileged to celebrate, it gives me genuine satisfaction to see that for many of them, growing up in our very special Minyan community has led to a lasting positive association with Judaism.

In handing off her role to me, our outgoing moderator, Rhoda Grill, told me that her most important task had been to enable everyone’s voice to be heard at the regular town meetings where we make our policy decisions. As our tradition teaches, איזהו חכם? הלומד מכל אדם  (Who is wise? Someone who learns from everyone.) I am committed to continuing to put that core principle into practice.

We are now at an exciting juncture as we move into our new home, and I am particularly pleased that so many Minyan members are eagerly contributing their diverse talents and energy to make this space warm and welcoming. As we plant ourselves firmly for the first time in the heart of a Jewish neighborhood in Newton Centre, I invite all to come and experience our wonderful community. 

Jason Glasgow
Walnut Street Minyan Moderator

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784