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Who we are

“The combination of a caring, supportive, activis​t community and connection to Jewish values, sources, and traditions inspires me spiritually.”

- Irle G.

Our 100+ households come from all streams of Judaism and include singles, couples, and families. We welcome diversity.

  • A good number of our households have LGBTQ family members.
  • Some of us are longtime members; others are newcomers.
  • Most of us live in Newton or nearby towns, but we come from all around the United States, plus Australia, Canada, France, Iraq, Israel, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, the UK, and more. Quite a few of us have family in Israel and/or have lived there.
  • We are fortunate to count a significant number of rabbis and Jewish educators among our members.
  • Many of us volunteer in the community.

And all of us care about one another and our Minyan.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785